
je suis génial!!! (oh je rigole)!

je suis un peu fière de moi, je comprends presque tout (je voulais dire que je comprends tout mais je suis sûr il y a un  mot ou deux que je comprends pas et j'ai pas rémarqué!)

mais bref, en tous cas je trouve que c'est une vidéo trop drole et trop vrai!

il parle de moi quand il parle des gens qui changent leur photo de profil tout le temps ^^'
et en fait je sais pas pourquoi je le fais non plus!


Yummy Creativity!

So I was home waiting for Piere (my french brother) to get back so we could eat lunch together when suddenly he called saying he had to run errands for his dad and therefore wouldn't be coming back home. He told me to eat what ever I wanted that I could find in the house so I went down staires think "mmmm. . eggs, ham, cheese, and toast! that sounds breakfast-y but good!"

When I open the fridge to get the ham and cheese I saw a bell pepper and was like "YES! eggs with vegetables stuff is the best!" but then I saw left over canned Pinapple and for whatever reason decided that Hawaiian Eggs sounded like a good idea!

So I cut up the bell peppers, the pinapple, and some onion and sautéd them in a pan. Once they started to be slightly brown and gold I added the eggs to the middle of the pan. I was all set to add ham in as the meat of the meal when I remembered that there was tuna in the fridge (and fish just sounds more Hawaiian-y). So I threw that in and then thought about how i might wanna add in some kind a season.

Me, being clueless about cooking and seasoning in general, went to the season cubby, picked a couple up and smelled them, and then choose one that seemed Hawaiian-y to me! It ended up being "Ciboulette" or (as I later descovered on google translate) cheves :) I really only added a pinch or two hoping that I wasn't ruining my makeup recipe.

During all this time I had boiled a potatoe and an egg (which I deviled ;) and then put it on desplay and then took a taste! I really wasn't expecting much (i was just having fun pretending to be a chef) but it actually was really rather tastey! I think I'm going to put it in my Recipe book!

YEA! Success for Miranda! :)

Lesson of the Day:
Don't be afraid of doing something new or trying something out, 'cause you just never know!

Bisous! <3


Coming to a . . .Beginning

So something BIG kinda ended yesterday. . . my childhood!
That's right ladies and gentlemen, Miranda Kelly Macbeth Clement is officially no longer a child but an adult (according to the american government).

As the date of my birth, July 1st, started to approach and I though about how my time as a youngling was running out, I realized that there are a couple other things coming to their end as well!
After being here in Britagne, France for almost an entire year it is approaching the end. As of yesterday, I am in my final month of my french adventure!

And After being a dedicated fan of the Harry Potter Series (and everything having to do with it), the final movie has it's date set. It's the final big Harry Potter Blowout, the final Midnight Premier, the final "I can't wait for that to come out" moment for Harry Potter!!!!

Then, today, as I sat around and did little to almost nothing I realized that these things didn't have to really and truely end! Heck - they ain't ending till I've said so!

Looking in the mirror I still look as I did before and I certaintly hadn't made some dramatic change from the inside after this one day! I still am the kid I've always been!

Maybe it's true that I'll never be here in the moments in France again but I'll always have these enteries on blog, the vlogs on my youtube channel, the pictures on my facebook, the pages of my journal, and most importantly the memories in my head! And besides, I can still continue in my attempts to speak french and who knows. . . maybe one day I'll come back and shock the world with my speaking skillzzzz!

And Harry Potter? Pleassee. . . .Books and Magic are two things that never really end! I can still geek out about the world of Harry Potter with my friends now and one day share it with my kids!

And most of all I've realized that a lot of these so called "ending" only really bring about a million BEGINNINGS!!!

And I. 

(from here you can just invision me running forward while shouting "FOR NARNIAAAAAAAAaaaaa!!!")

perfect ;)

Bisous! <3


okay okay. . . this one will be in english. . . but just this once! ;)

So me and Alicia went to Saint Malo again and. . . it was a crazy day to say the least ^^'

First we met up with my friend Andrea who lives near Saint Malo and she took us for a tour! When we came to the docks, we were taking pictures of the ships when we saw some stairs that went down into the water and thought they looked cool. Alicia was about to snap a picture when I suggested I go stand on the stairs, which she agreed would be cool. So I go on the steps and go as close to water as possible and see that the next step is only wet and doesn't actually have water covering so I say: "ooh I can even step of this step her....OOPS!" and I slipped right off my feet and into the water!!!!
haha I had to laugh! it was just so. . . ME! Of course everyone around stared as I walked up, drenched and covered in slime but that only added to the hilarity of the moment :D
The WORST part about this story is that Alicia didn't even get a picture of it!!!
(least not until afterwards):
 So yeah that was just the start of the day!

Right after this we went and bought me some cheep shoes since the one's I were wearing were all slimey and pretty much just nasty!
Then Andrea took around and we saw some really cool things, like some old buildings from when the city was originally built and some cool sights!

Then, of course, we went to go get the famous Sanchez ice cream! I usually get the same flavor everytime but this time I decided to branch out and try something new! So I was kind of excited to get my Kiwi and Mango ice cream. . . .but then I took a bite of the kiwi scoop and . . . . well I had Andrea try it just to make sure my tongue was working and asked "its not just me, right? it tastes like fish right?" she agreed with me! ^^' haha of course I get fish flavored Sanchez!

We did a little tourist shopping and Alicia decided to buy an Umbrella and as it turns out it actually came to use that day!!! yup, thats right! It started raining!!! So we were on the beach by the water as it suddeny started sprinkling and then POURING! (okay not quite but close enough)
Hhahaha! At least the umbrella got to be used! :)

Then. . . well then Alica went crazy in the rain and started running around like a Mad woman on the beach!!! Then, once that finely subsided, she walked around the rest of the day like a Drunk woman!!!
It was pretty dang funny! And it was pretty nice being able to keep our humor about us considering we were both wet, kinda cold, and sandy! hhaaha

 Oh what a day, what a day! it was crazy and hectic! but it was also pretty Awesome!!!



Beaucoup de Nouvelles! Beaucoup de Photos!

Coucou Tout le Monde!

Oooh! ça fait long temps depuis mon dernier blog!
Alors. . . .beaucoup des choses ont passé!

Mon amie (alicia) elle est venu en France de passer un mois avec moi!
Trop cool!

On est allé au Saint Malo (ça c'est une petite video drole! elle est trop mignonne, non?)

Et Mont Saint Micheal aussi!(si vous veniez en France, il faut que vous le visitez!)

une autre nouvelle:
J'ai démenagé dimanche et j'habite avec Martine et sa famille maintenant!
Ils sont tous très gentils et génial!

Ce Vendredi, c'est mon dernier jour des cours en France!
Naturelment j'ai hâte de passer les jours sans les cours et tous, mais. . .
je suis un peu triste aussi. . . . la classe va me manquer!

ouais, c'est tout. . ..

j'espère que tout va bien pour vous et que vous êtes tout content!
Bons Vacances!



Swiss Temple!

les dernières vacances je suis allé à Swiss! C'était génial! J'ai fait des baptems, j'ai parlé en français, j'ai devenu des amies avec une italienne, et  . . . j'ai trop mangé le chocolat ^^'
c'était pas trop génial ça! je veux dire que le chocolat etait bon mais. . .oooh la! je l'ai trop mangé! (je vais jamais maigrir!!)
Je m'ai perdu dans un fôret aussi!  haha ^^'


en fait, c'était à cause d'un joue que j'ai fait avec tous les jeunes gens! C'était à mon équipe de cacher et . . . .j'ai caché trop bien ^^' et pour trop longue!

j'étais avec Jennifer mais les autres avaient peur quand même!

c'étais drôle pour moi mais. . .des autres n'ont pas pensé le situation très drôle!

Quand Valentin m'a trouvé le premier chose il a dit, c'était "i'm going to kill you!"
haha ^^' mais c'était rigolo!


Being Me :)

A pink night gown + a blue fishy seashell skirt + a Zebra Lace Cartiga = my kind of outfit! haha :D

you can't see it but i'm also wearing grey shoes with pompoms on 'em and the bow in my hair is bright pick with Hawiian flowers all over it ;)

So i was trying close on, trying to decide what was France fashion worthy, when i put this little outfit together and  thought: "back in America i totally would have worn this to school or anywhere really . . ."
and that's when i stopped and decided what the hey! why don't i be myself where ever i am!

i felt a lot more self confident then i have in awhile, probably cause i really felt like me :)

Life lesson: be yourself!